Citation Examples
If you can't figure out what kind of source is being citation, compare these citation examples.

To find this book in NUsearch or WorldCat, search for the Title Tale of Two Cities
- If several editions come up, check the year or publisher to find the correct edition.
- Including the ISBN or OCLC number in your ILL request makes it much easier to find the exact book you need.
Chapters or Collected Works in Books

To find this book in NUsearch or WorldCat search for the Title Theoretical Perspectives on Sexual Difference
- Note: a Title search for "Social-Psychological Model of Gender" will not give you the correct results.
Journal Articles

To find this journal in NUsearch or WorldCat search for the Journal Title Yale Law Journal
- Abbreviations do not always work in the search; use the full journal title (Yale Law Journal, not Yale L.J.).
Newspaper Articles

To find this newspaper article in NUsearch or WorldCat, search for the Title New York Times
- Abbreviations do not always work in the search; use the full journal title (New York Times, not N.Y.Times).
- When placing ILL requests for newspaper articles, give the complete date (month, day, and year) and page range. You can often find this information on Lexis or ProQuest. Your request will be not be placed until this information is complete.
Congressional Documents

- To find reports and hearings in print or microform, search NUsearch or WorldCat for the title of the report or hearing (e.g., search for the Title Background and history of impeachment).