The Role of the Court of Justice in EU Labour Law [electronic resource] : A Case Study on the Transfer of Undertakings Directive. |
Labor laws and legislation--European Union countries. |
Available electronically. |
Imperial policing : weaponized data in carceral Chicago / Andy Clarno, Enrique Alvear Moreno, Janaé Bonsu-Love, Lydia Dana, Michael De Anda Muñiz, Ilā Ravichandran and Haley Volpintesta. |
Law enforcement--Illinois--Chicago. |
Available electronically. |
Contemporary challenges in clinical legal education : role, function, and future directions / edited by Matthew Atkinson and Ben Livings. |
Law--Study and teaching (Clinical education). |
Available electronically. |
The Yale Law School guide to research in American legal history / John B. Nann and Morris L. Cohen. |
Legal research--United States. |
Available electronically. |
Weed rules : blazing the way to a just and joyful marijuana policy / Jay Wexler. |
Marijuana--Law and legislation--United States. |
Available electronically. |
Beyond Cop Cities : Dismantling State and Corporate-Funded Armies and Prisons / edited by Joy James. |
Militarization of police--United States. |
Available electronically. |
Who wants to run? : how the devaluing of political office drives polarization / Andrew B. Hall. |
Political candidates--United States. |
Available electronically. |
Political entrepreneurs : the rise of challenger parties in Europe / Catherine E. De Vries and Sara B. Hobolt. |
Political parties--Europe. |
Available electronically. |
Politics without violence? : towards a post-Weberian enlightenment / Jenny Pearce. |
Political science--Philosophy. |
Available electronically. |
Mapping populism : approaches and methods / edited by Amit Ron and Majia Nadesan. |
Populism. |
Available electronically. |
The American legal profession : the myths and realities of practicing law / Christopher P. Banks, Kent State University. |
Practice of law--United States. |
Available electronically. |
Privacy@work : a European and comparative perspective / edited by Frank Hendrickx, David Mangan, Elena Gramano ; contributors, Martina Badiali [and 28 others] ; general editor, Frank Hendrickx ; founding editor, Roger Blanpain. |
Privacy, Right of--Europe. |
Available electronically. |
Redressing historical injustice : self-ownership, property rights, and economic equality / David Gordon, Wanjiru Njoya. |
Property--Moral and ethical aspects. |
Available electronically. |
Modes of protest and resistance : strange change in morals political / Margaret Betz. |
Protest movements. |
Available electronically. |
The European social model under pressure : liber amicorum in honour of Klaus Armingeon / Romana Careja, Patrick Emmenegger, Nathalie Giger, editors. |
Public welfare--Europe. |
Available electronically. |
Questions of accountability : prerogatives, power and politics / edited by Matthew Flinders and Chris Monaghan. |
Responsability--Political aspects. |
Available electronically. |
Ethics and integrity in the rule of law and international law. |
Rule of law--Moral and ethical aspects. |
Available electronically. |
Carl Schmitt : state and society / William Rasch. |
Schmitt, Carl,--1888-1985. |
Available electronically. |
Research handbook on European social security law / edited by Frans Pennings and Gijsbert Vonk. |
Social security--Law and legislation--European Union countries. |
Available electronically. |
Sustainable finance and climate change : law and regulation / edited by René Smits. |
Sustainable development--Law and legislation. |
Available electronically. |
Transfer Pricing and Financing / edited by Raffaele Petruzzi, Michael Lang. |
Transfer pricing--Finance. |
Available electronically. |
The new science of trial advocacy : the waitor pivot / John Jerry Glas. |
Trial practice--United States. |
Available electronically. |
Reinvigorating the United Nations / edited by Markus Kornprobst and Sławomir Redo. |
United Nations. |
Available electronically. |
Human rights discourse on dams, displacement and resettlement [electronic resource] / by Namita Gupta. |
Water resources development--Law and legislation. |
Available electronically. |
Gender-based violence, law, and African society / [edited by] Abiodun Raufu, Omolade Olomola, and Edidiong Mendie. |
Women--Legal status, laws, etc.--Africa. |
Available electronically. |
Law, selfhood and feminist philosophy : monstrous aberrations / Janice Richardson. |
Women--Legal status, laws, etc.--Philosophy. |
Available electronically. |
COMPASITO : manual for human rights education with children / editors and co-writers, Annette Schneider, Ellie Keen, Laure De Witte, Rui Gomes, Zsuzsanna Rutai ; final editor, Rui Gomes ; illustrator, Diána Nagy. |
Human rights--Handbooks, manuals, etc. |
MON HQ789 .C88 2023 |
Corporate law and economics / edited by Adam B. Badawi. |
Corporation law--Economic aspects. |
MON K1315 .C675 2023 |
Leading works in public law / edited by Patrick O'Brien and Ben Yong. |
Public law. |
MON K3150 .L43 2024 |
The evaluation of polycentric climate governance / Jonas J. Schoenefeld. |
Climatic changes--Law and legislation. |
MON K3585.5 .S357 2023 |