Each full-time and visiting faculty member is assigned a library liaison—a reference librarian who will be their primary contact in the library. Each liaison librarian is responsible for ensuring that each faculty member is aware of the full range of services available through the law library and that the library is aware of each faculty member’s research needs and interests.
Though faculty members are encouraged to consider their liaison as their primary library contact, the program is not intended to limit faculty access to other librarians or staff. Faculty may, of course, approach anyone in the library for assistance.
Last updated March 4, 2025
Aggarwal, Dhruv | Jesse Bowman | 503-4356 | L212 |
Allen, Ronald | Tom Gaylord | 503-4725 | L263 |
Alter, Karen | Sarah Reis | 503-4561 | L211B |
Altshuler, Adi | Leah Whitesel | 503-0316 | L214 |
Arimond, Bridget | Sarah Reis | 503-4561 | L211B |
Barron, Esther | Lisa Winkler | 503-0252 | L334 |
Barsa, Michael | Amy Tomaszewski | 503-0314 | L266 |
Bedi, Sheila | Lisa Winkler | 503-0252 | L334 |
Beller, Herbert | Kristina DeGuzman | 503-2277 | L269 |
Berens, Maurine | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |
Biehl, Julie | Lisa Winkler | 503-0252 | L334 |
Black, Bernard | Tom Gaylord | 503-4725 | L263 |
Brown, Janet | Leah Whitesel | 503-0316 | L214 |
Brown, Sarah | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |
Burns, Michael | Amy Tomaszewski | 503-0314 | L266 |
Buth, Annalise | Lisa Winkler | 503-0252 | L334 |
Calabresi, Steven | Amy Tomaszewski | 503-0314 | L266 |
Carrel, Alyson | Jesse Bowman | 503-4356 | L212 |
Clopton, Zachary | Sarah Reis | 503-4561 | L211B |
Cohn, Lynn | Lisa Winkler | 503-0252 | L334 |
Dana, David | Amy Tomaszewski | 503-0314 | L266 |
del Valle, Vanessa | Lisa Winkler | 503-0252 | L334 |
Delaney, Erin | Sarah Reis | 503-4561 | L211B |
DeSanto, Jason | Amy Tomaszewski | 503-0314 | L266 |
Diamond, Shari | Tom Gaylord | 503-4725 | L263 |
DiCola, Peter | Kristina DeGuzman | 503-2277 | L269 |
Didwania, Stephanie | Tom Gaylord | 503-4725 | L263 |
Dodier, Grace | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |
Drizin, Steven | Lisa Winkler | 503-0252 | L334 |
Duquette, Elizabeth | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |
Falkoff, Michelle | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |
Flaum, Alison | Lisa Winkler | 503-0252 | L334 |
Francis, Clinton | Kristina DeGuzman | 503-2277 | L269 |
Franco, Alexandra | Amy Tomaszewski | 503-0314 | L266 |
Frazier, Carolyn | Kristina DeGuzman | 503-2277 | L269 |
Friedman, Ezra | Amy Tomaszewski | 503-0314 | L266 |
Gandert, Daniel | Jesse Bowman | 503-4356 | L212 |
Geller, Meredith | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |
Glogower, Ari | Jesse Bowman | 503-4356 | L212 |
Goonetilleke, Priyanka | Amy Tomaszewski | 503-0314 | L266 |
Gowder, Paul | Sarah Reis | 503-4561 | L211B |
Grau Ruiz, María Amparo | Jesse Bowman | 503-4356 | L212 |
Gray, Kimberly | Kristina DeGuzman | 503-2277 | L269 |
Green, Darren | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |
Hamilton, Danielle | Lisa Winkler | 503-0252 | L334 |
Hartung, Andrea Lewis | Lisa Winkler | 503-0252 | L334 |
Haymond, Monica | Kristina DeGuzman | 503-2277 | L269 |
Hoeflich, Adam | Amy Tomaszewski | 503-0314 | L266 |
Holman, Rebekah | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |
Horwich, Allan | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |
Horwitz, Jill | Amy Tomaszewski | 503-0314 | L266 |
Hoskins, Richard | Kristina DeGuzman | 503-2277 | L269 |
Ingelhart, Kara | Lisa Winkler | 503-0252 | L334 |
Inglehart, Elizabeth | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |
Jain, Neha | Sarah Reis | 503-4561 | L211B |
Jones, Joshua | Lisa Winkler | 503-0252 | L334 |
Kadens, Emily | Tom Gaylord | 503-4725 | L263 |
Kang, Michael | Kristina DeGuzman | 503-2277 | L269 |
Kanter, Martha | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |
Kitrosser, Heidi | Kristina DeGuzman | 503-2277 | L269 |
Koehler, Jonathan | Kristina DeGuzman | 503-2277 | L269 |
Koppelman, Andrew | Amy Tomaszewski | 503-0314 | L266 |
Kugler, Matthew | Amy Tomaszewski | 503-0314 | L266 |
Lawsky, Sarah | Jesse Bowman | 503-4356 | L212 |
Lee, Alex | Kristina DeGuzman | 503-2277 | L269 |
Legrand, Pierre | Sarah Reis | 503-4561 | L211B |
Libgober, Brian | Kristina DeGuzman | 503-2277 | L269 |
Linna, Daniel | Jesse Bowman | 503-4356 | L212 |
Litvak, Katherine | Tom Gaylord | 503-4725 | L263 |
Llorente, Monica | Jesse Bowman | 503-4356 | L212 |
Lupo, James | Amy Tomaszewski | 503-0314 | L266 |
Lys, Thomas | Kristina DeGuzman | 503-2277 | L269 |
Mahadev, Shobha | Lisa Winkler | 503-0252 | L334 |
Markell, Bruce | Jesse Bowman | 503-4356 | L212 |
McGinnis, John | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |
McMasters, James | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |
Mehrotra, Ajay | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |
Mikva, Laurie | Lisa Winkler | 503-0252 | L334 |
Miller, Diane | Sarah Reis | 503-4561 | L211B |
Morgan, Jamelia | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |
Motaparthy, Priyanka | Lisa Winkler | 503-0252 | L334 |
Muchman, Wendy | Amy Tomaszewski | 503-0314 | L266 |
Mulaney, Ellen | Jesse Bowman | 503-4356 | L212 |
Nadler, Janice | Tom Gaylord | 503-4725 | L263 |
Narko, Kathleen | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |
Nchako, Taylor | Leah Whitesel | 503-0316 | L214 |
Ng, Jeff | Amy Tomaszewski | 503-0314 | L266 |
Nirider, Laura | Lisa Winkler | 503-0252 | L334 |
Nzelibe, Jide | Kristina DeGuzman | 503-2277 | L269 |
Nzelibe, Uzoamaka | Lisa Winkler | 503-0252 | L334 |
O'Hare, John | Sarah Reis | 503-4561 | L211B |
Onyeador, Ivuoma | Kristina DeGuzman | 503-2277 | L269 |
Osofsky, Hari | Jesse Bowman | 503-4356 | L212 |
Oster, Leslie | Sarah Reis | 503-4561 | L211B |
Pencak, Paul | Leah Whitesel | 503-0316 | L214 |
Pfander, James | Amy Tomaszewski | 503-0314 | L266 |
Postlewaite, Philip | Leah Whitesel | 503-0316 | L214 |
Rankin, Laura | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |
Redish, Martin | Amy Tomaszewski | 503-0314 | L266 |
Reed, Stephen | Lisa Winkler | 503-0252 | L334 |
Riles, Annelise | Tom Gaylord | 503-4725 | L263 |
Riskin, Leonard | Jesse Bowman | 503-4356 | L212 |
Roberts, Joy | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |
Rodriguez, Daniel | Tom Gaylord | 503-4725 | L263 |
Rosenbaum, Judith | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |
Rosenberg, Rebecca | Leah Whitesel | 503-0316 | L214 |
Rountree, Meredith | Kristina DeGuzman | 503-2277 | L269 |
Rozema, Kyle | Kristina DeGuzman | 503-2277 | L269 |
Rubinowitz, Leonard | Amy Tomaszewski | 503-0314 | L266 |
Schanzenbach, Max | Jesse Bowman | 503-4356 | L212 |
Schwartz, David | Tom Gaylord | 503-4725 | L263 |
Schwartz, Regina | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |
Shah, Seema | Tom Gaylord | 503-4725 | L263 |
Shoked, Nadav | Jesse Bowman | 503-4356 | L212 |
Silbernagel, Brian | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |
Sirota, Eric | Lisa Winkler | 503-0252 | L334 |
Speta, James | Tom Gaylord | 503-4725 | L263 |
Spies Roth, Susan | Leah Whitesel | 503-0316 | L214 |
Spulber, Daniel | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |
Talati Paquette, Erin | Tom Gaylord | 503-4725 | L263 |
Tenenbaum, J. Samuel | Lisa Winkler | 503-0252 | L334 |
Thornton, John | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |
Tiller, Emerson | Jesse Bowman | 503-4356 | L212 |
Tilley, Helen | Amy Tomaszewski | 503-0314 | L266 |
Tokic, Genevieve | Leah Whitesel | 503-0316 | L214 |
Tuerkheimer, Deborah | Tom Gaylord | 503-4725 | L263 |
Van Brunt, Alexa | Lisa Winkler | 503-0252 | L334 |
Walker Sterling, Robin | Lisa Winkler | 503-0252 | L334 |
Wang-Grimm, Jessie | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |
Weinstock, Robert | Lisa Winkler | 503-0252 | L334 |
Weisenhaus, Doreen | Sarah Reis | 503-4561 | L211B |
Wilson, Cynthia | Lisa Winkler | 503-0252 | L334 |
Wimpfheimer, Barry | Tom Gaylord | 503-4725 | L263 |
Yuracko, Kimberly | Jesse Bowman | 503-4356 | L212 |
Zimmerman, Clifford | Clare Willis | 503-0300 | L213 |