Botswana has mixed system of Dutch-Roman law (inherited from the Cape Colony) with English common law influences and customary law.
Because databases/websites for finding legal materials from Botswana are limited, you will likely need to rely on secondary sources to assist with identifying relevant citations to laws or cases. These secondary sources summarize and explain the law.
These research guides are useful starting points for understanding Botswana's legal system as well as the sources of law in Botswana. These guides include links to recommended online resources that provide access to legal materials from this country. Please note that the Botswana E-Laws mentioned in these guides has not been updated since 2020 and no longer exists.
The Constitution of Botswana commenced on 30 September 1966 and has been subsequently amended.
The UN Women Global Gender Equality Constitutional Database provides access to gender equality related provisions in constitutions from around the world.
Resources available for finding legal materials from Botswana consist of free websites (government websites and Legal Information Institutes), subject law collections hosted by NGOs or other entities, and subscription databases. Westlaw and Lexis do not provide access to laws and cases from Botswana.
If you conduct a Google search to retrieve any legal materials cited in secondary sources, make sure to critically evaluate whether the website is a authoritative or credible resource.
Online Resources
Print Resources
Subject-specific collections of laws, which collect laws from various countries pertaining to a particular subject, are useful resources to incorporate into your research process. These resources often have better search capabilities than foreign government websites and can generally be navigated in English, even though the full-text laws will mostly be in the official language for the country.
For additional suggestions for subject law collections beyond the selected databases listed below, see the GlobaLex Foreign Law - Subject Law Collections on the Web research guide.