Law Students may borrow materials for 12 weeks. Items may be renewed twice online through NUsearch.
You may be set up as a proxy to check out materials on your professor’s behalf. To set up proxy privileges, the professor needs to email Candice Jones, Circulation Services Manager, and request that you be added as a proxy borrower to their library account. When checking out Northwestern Library materials, if they should be checked out to the professor’s account instead of your own, tell the staff member working at the circulation desk “This is for Prof. ____.”
Interlibrary Loans are subject to the circulation policies of the lending libraries and the length of loans will vary from book to book. If you are requesting a book for a professor via interlibrary loan, please indicate in the notes field of the request form that the book is for the professor and it will be checked out to his or her account. For questions about ILL, email