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Pritzker Legal Research Center

Faculty Research Assistant Resources

This is a guide for students working as research assistants for Northwestern Law faculty. Topics covered include research techniques for typical faculty requests, borrowing and interlibrary loan procedures, circulation policies and printing/photocopying

Research Guides

The Pritzker Legal Research Center website contains research guides on many topics, including Legislative HistoryAdministrative Law, Foreign and International Law.

The Main Library has created numerous Research Guides on non-law subjects.

To see all of the Northwestern University databases, consult the A-Z Database Guide.

Other Helpful Links

Library Liaison  All Northwestern Law faculty have a liaison within the library.  Please reach out to the librarians if you would like to set up a research consultation to discuss the project you are working on.   Librarians are available Monday – Friday from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Find your professor’s library liaison

Ask Us! If you have a quick question, submit a question via our chat or at You can also call the reference desk at 312-503-8450. Librarians are available by chat or email from 9-5 on Monday-Thursday, and 9-4 on Friday. We are at the reference desk in-person from 10-4 on weekdays.

Library Hours The Pritzker Legal Research Center is only open to current Northwestern students, faculty, and staff. Non-law members of the NU community have access to the library Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 6:00 pm during the academic year or 9:00 am - 5:00 pm during the summer. Law students retain 24/7 access with their Wildcards.