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Pritzker Legal Research Center

International Law: Women's Rights

American Convention on Human Rights

The Organization of American States (OAS) is an international organization with member states from the Americas. The American Convention on Human Rights came into force on 18 July 1978. 

Commentary on the American Convention on Human Rights

Scholarly commentaries provide article-by-article analysis of a convention, including citations to relevant cases, travaux préparatoires (preparatory works), and other documents. 


Use the following resources to find and retrieve materials from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Coverage dates and search functions vary, so you will need to use a combination of these resources to ensure that your research is comprehensive. Recent jurisprudence and documents may only be available in Spanish. You may also consider using Google Advanced to help retrieve materials because the Inter-American Commission and Inter-American Court's websites are challenging to navigate and do not have great search functions. 

Other OAS Women and Human Rights Treaties

For other OAS treaties and agreements, please see here. Relevant treaties pertaining to women and human rights include:

Full-text copies of the treaties and status information can be found at the links above. 

Rapporteurship on the Rights of Women

The Office of the Rapporteur on the Rights of Women is a thematic Rapporteurship of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, which focuses on women’s rights and gender equity and equality. 

The website for the Office of the Rapporteurship on the Rights of Women provides access to reports on petitions and cases from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and judgments from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights pertaining to the rights of women. 

Inter-American Commission of Women

The Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM), which consists of Delegates from each OAS Member State, is an agency that ensures recognition of women's human rights and shapes public policy agenda for full citizenship of women and elimination of gender-based discrimination and violence.