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Pritzker Legal Research Center

Negotiation Research

Negotiation research resources to support students' final projects

NU Search

If you don't see a resource listed in this guide that meets your need, use NUsearch to find other resources. NUSearch is the consolidated library records for all of Northwestern's Libraries. You will be able to find books, articles, journals, databases, and more. NUsearch allows you to search for materials by Keyword, Title, Author, Subject and combine fields. 


Here are a few searches to get you started:

Keyword search for the phrase "negotiation skills"

Keyword search for (law or legal) AND (Arbitration OR Negotiation OR Mediation)

Subject search for negotiation

Subject search for Dispute resolution (Law) -- United States

Subject search for LAW / Arbitration, Negotiation, Mediation


The majority of books in the law library will have a location code of MON, which is on the 2nd floor of the library, south of the grand staircase.  Some books at the law library will have a location of Closed Stacks and are in storage.  They can be requested via NUsearch if you sign in with your NetID.  Items are retrieved from storage twice a day, Monday-Friday and you will get an email when it is available for pickup at the circulation desk.

For books at other NU Libraries such the MAIN Library, sign in with your NetID to request the book. Select Pickup at Law Library. You will get an email when it is available for pickup, usually the next business day. 

If the book is "checked out" or is not available through our NU libraries, place an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request to obtain the book from another library. ILL can also be used to request articles or chapters of books that we don't have through NU resources. Contact a reference librarian (by email, chat, or at the reference desk) if you have any questions or issues with ILL.