The United Nations is the largest intergovernmental organization with 193 member states. The UN human rights system develops, monitors, and protects human rights around the world.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) was a foundational document that set out fundamental human rights to be universally protected for the first time. The UDHR has significantly influenced the development of international human rights law.
The Human Rights Council is a body within the UN system with the mission of promoting and protecting human rights around the world. Its predecessor was the UN Commission on Human Rights.
The Universal Periodic Review was established when the Human Rights Council was created and is a mechanism that assesses the human rights situations in UN Member States. The Human Rights Council works with the UN Special Procedures, which consist of special rapporteurs and independent experts that monitor and report on thematic or country-specific human rights situations.
There are nine core international human rights instruments, some of which are supplemented by optional protocols. These treaties are "universal," meaning that countries from around the world are parties rather than limited to specific regions.
Links to the optional protocols to ICESCR, ICCPR, CEDAW, CRC, CAT, and CRPD are available here.
The websites for the treaty bodies provides access to general comments and recommendations, state party reports and concluding observations, cases, and other materials.
Commentaries provide article-by-article analysis of treaties and include citations to relevant jurisprudence, preparatory works, and other documents. The following commentaries are all available electronically through Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law. The complete list of titles included in this collection is available here.
You can find additional commentaries by searching on NUsearch, our library catalog, for keywords such as [name of treaty] + commentary (example: Convention on the Rights of the Child commentary).
Some of the treaty bodies (CCPR, CAT, CEDAW, CERD, CRPD, CED, CESCR, and CRC) have procedures where individuals can lodge complaints of violations of the provisions of human rights treaties. The following resources provide access to jurisprudence from these treaty bodies.