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New Acquisitions

New Acquisitions at the Pritzker Legal Research Center of Northwestern Pritzker School of Law

January 2025 New Books

Title Subject Call number
The fall of Roe : the rise of a new America / Elizabeth Dias and Lisa Lerer. Abortion--Law and legislation--United States.    MON KF3771 .D49 2024
Donor-linked families in the digital age : relatedness and regulation / edited by Fiona Kelly, La Trobe University, Deborah Dempsey, Swinburne University of Technology, Adrienne Byrt, Swinburne University of Technology. Artificial insemination, Human--Social aspects. Available electronically.
Crimmigration under international protection : constructing criminal law as governmentality / Rottem Rosenberg-Rubins. Asylum, Right of.  Available electronically.
Spatializing authoritarianism / edited by Natalie Kock. Authoritarianism.  Available electronically.
Law of bankruptcy / Charles Jordan Tabb, Kara J. Bruce, Laura Napoli Coordes. Bankruptcy--United States.  MON KF1524 .T33 2025 
Legislative drafting for the EU : transposition techniques as a roadmap for better legislation and a sustainable EU / Helen Xanthaki. Bill drafting--European Union countries.   Available electronically.
Physical and symbolic borders and boundaries and how they unfold in space : an inquiry on making, unmaking and remaking borders and boundaries across the world / edited by Basak Tanulku and Simone Pekelsma. Boundaries--Social aspects.  Available electronically.
Ocean carbon dioxide removal for climate mitigation : the legal framework / edited by Romany Webb, Korey Silverman-Roati, and Michael Gerrard. Carbon sequestration--Law and legislation.   Available electronically.
The political economy of celebrity activism / edited by Nathan Farrell. Celebrities--Political activity.  Available electronically.
Freedom under the private law / by Allan Beever (Professor of Law, School of Law, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand). Civil law.    Available electronically.
The making of the Chinese Civil Code : promises and persistent problems / edited by Hao Jiang, Pietro Sirena. Civil law--China--Codification.  Available electronically.
European rules of civil procedure : a commentary on the ELI/UNIDROIT model rules / edited by Astrid Stadler (professor and chair in civil law, procedural law and private international law, and comparative law, University of Konstanz, Germany), Vincent Smith (assistant professor, ESCP Business School, UK and France) and Fernando Gascón Inchausti (professor and chair in procedural law, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain). Civil procedure--Europe. Available electronically.
Contact, conquest and colonization : how practices of comparing shaped empires and colonialism around the world / edited by Eleonora Rohland, Angelika Epple, Antje Flüchter and Kirsten Kramer. Colonization--History.   Available electronically.
New ways of solidarity with Korean comfort women : comfort women and what remains / Ñusta Carranza Ko, editor. Comfort women--Korea--History.    Available electronically.
Advanced Introduction to corporate compliance / David Hess, (Everett E. Berg Professor of Business Administration and Professor of Business Law, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, US). Commercial law. Available electronically.
The negative turn in comparative law / Pierre Legrand. Comparative law.  MON K583 .L45 2025 
Public and private governance of cybersecurity : challenges and potential / edited by Tomoko Ishikawa, Yarik Kryvoi. Computer security--Law and legislation. Available electronically.
International litigation and arbitration / Ralph H. Folsom. Conflict of laws--Commercial law.  MON K7340 .F65 2025  
Against constitutional originalism : a historical critique / Jonathan Gienapp. Constitutional law--United States.  Available electronically.
Instruments of EU Corporate Governance : Effecting Changes in the Management of Companies in a Changing World / Edited by Hanne S. Birkmose, Mette Neville, Karsten Engsig Sørensen. Corporate governance--Law and legislation--European Union countries.  Available electronically.
Courts that matter : activists, judges, and the politics of rights enforcement / Sandra Botero. Courts--Colombia.  Available electronically.
The common flaw : needless complexity in the courts and 50 ways to reduce it / Thomas G. Moukawsher. Courts--United States.   MON KF8719 .M68 2023
EFFICIENCY AND BUREAUCRATISATION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE [electronic resource] : global trends. Criminal justice, Administration of.  Available electronically.
Responsibility on trial : liability standards in international criminal law / Liana Georgieva Minkova. Criminal liability (International law). Available electronically.
Corporate liability and international criminal law / Alessandra de Tommaso. Criminal liability of juristic persons (International law) . Available electronically.
Criminal procedure / Wayne R. LaFave, Jerold H. Israel, Nancy J. King, Orin S. Kerr, Andrew D. Leipold. Criminal procedure--United States.   MON KF9619 .L342 2025
Handbook on Crime and Deviance / Marvin D. Krohn [and three others], editors. Criminology.   Available electronically.
Digital assets and the law : fiat money in the era of digital currency / [edited by] Filippo Zatti and Rosa Giovanna Barresi. Cryptocurrencies--Law and legislation.   Available electronically.
Courts, pluralism and law in the everyday : food, clothing and days of rest / Cinzia Piciocchi. Culture and law--United States.  Available electronically.
The great experiment : why diverse democracies fall apart and how they can endure / Yascha Mounk. Democracy.    Available electronically.
Creating a constitution : law, democracy, and growth in ancient Athens / Federica Carugati. Democracy--Greece--Athens--History.  Available electronically.
Digital technology and democratic theory / edited by Lucy Bernholz, Hélène Landemore, and Rob Reich. Democracy--Technological innovations--United States.  Available electronically.
Divorce, American style : fighting for women's economic citizenship in the neoliberal era / Suzanne Kahn. Divorce--Law and legislation--History--United States--20th century.   Available electronically.
The future of environmental law : ambition and reality / edited by Stefan E. Weishaar and Kars J. de Graaf. Environmental law.   Available electronically.
Banking and finance dispute resolution in Hong Kong : the suitability of arbitration in private disputes / Sau Wai Law. Financial institutions--Law and legislation--China--Hong Kong.   Available electronically.
The Cambridge handbook of European monetary, economic and financial integration/ edited by Dariusz Adamski, University of Wroclaw; Fabian Amtenbrink, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Jakob de Haan, University of Groningen. Financial institutions--Law and legislation--European Union countries.   Available electronically.
The Second Amendment on trial : critical essays on District of Columbia v. Heller / edited by Saul Cornell & Nathan Kozuskanich. Firearms--Law and legislation--United States.  Available electronically.
Freedom of religion or belief in the European Convention on Human Rights : a reappraisal / Caroline K Roberts (Oxford Brookes University). Freedom of religion--Europe.    Available electronically.
Micro-place homicide patterns in Chicago : 1965-2017 / Andrew P. Wheeler, Christopher R. Herrmann, Richard L. Block. Homicide--Illinois--Chicago--History--20th century.    Available electronically.
Human rights practices during financial crises / Rana S. Gautam. Human rights.  Available electronically.
Civility in crisis : democracy, equality and the majoritarian challenge in India / edited by Suryakant Waghmore and Hugo Gorringe. Human rights--India.    Available electronically.
Waves across the South : a new history of revolution and empire / Sujit Sivasundaram. Imperialism.   Available electronically.
International public administrations in global public policy : sources and effects of bureaucratic influence / edited by Christoph Knill and Yves Steinebach. International agencies.  Available electronically.
The Cambridge handbook of foreign judges on domestic courts / edited by Anna Dziedzic, Simon N. M. Young. Judges--Employment--Foreign countries.  Available electronically.
The Cambridge handbook of technological disruption in labour and employment law / edited by Marc de Vos, Gordon Anderson, Evert Verhulp. Labor laws and legislation.  Available electronically.
The European Union beyond BREXIT / Ralph H. Folsom. Law--European Union countries.  N,EAA KJE949 .F553 2025
Writing for dollars, writing to please : the case for plain language in business, government, and law / Joseph Kimble. Law--United States--Language.  MON KF250 .K535 2023 
Law democratized : a blueprint for solving the justice crisis / Renee Knake Jefferson. Legal services--United States. MON KF336 .J44 2024 
Taxing democracy : local taxation and the social contract in America / Carrie Manning. Local taxation--Political aspects--United States.  Available electronically.
Asymmetry, multinationalism and constitutional Law : managing legitimacy and stability in federalist states / Maja Sahadžić. Multinational states.  Available electronically.
Sanctuary regions and the struggle for belonging : undocumented immigrants in the United States / Zeina Sleiman-Long. Noncitizens--United States.    Available electronically.
Politics, police and crime in New York during prohibition : Gotham and the age of recklessness, 1920-1933 / Francesco Landolfi. Organized crime--New York (State)--New York--History--20th century.  Available electronically.
Antibody patenting : a practitioner's guide to drafting, prosecution and enforcement / edited by Jürgen Meier, Oswin Ridderbusch. Patent laws and legislation. Available electronically.
Entertainment law in a nutshell / Sherri L. Burr. Performing arts--Law and legislation--United States.  MON KF4290 .B87 2025
Critical theory and demagogic populism / Paul K. Jones. Populism. Available electronically.
Populism in global perspective : a performative and discursive approach / edited by Pierre Ostiguy, Francisco Panizza, and Benjamin Moffitt. Populism--Case studies.   Available electronically.
In pursuit of carbon neutrality : energy law and regulation in China / Hao Zhang, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Power resources--Law and legislation--China.  Available electronically.
Public health behind bars : from prisons to communities / Robert B. Greifinger, editor ; foreword by David Satcher. Prisoners--Medical care--United States.   Available electronically.
Privacy, technology, and the criminal process / edited by Andrew Roberts, Joe Purshouse, Jason Bosland. Privacy, Right of.  Available electronically.
The making of modern property : reinventing Roman law in Europe and its peripheries 1789-1950 / Anna Di Robilant. Property--Europe--History.  Available electronically.
Public health law in a nutshell / James G. Hodge, Jr. Public health laws--United States.  MON KF3775.Z9 H63 2025 
Reconciliation after war : historical perspectives on transitional justice / edited by Rachel Kerr, Henry Redwood and James Gow. Reconciliation.   Transitional justice.  Available electronically.
How referendums challenge European democracy : Brexit and beyond / Richard Rose. Referendum--Europe.  Available electronically.
Law and religion in a secular age / Rafael Domingo. Religion and law.   Available electronically.
Procreative rights in international law : insights from the European Court of Human Rights / Carmen Draghici, City, University London. Reproductive rights--Europe.    Available electronically.
The sacraments of the law and the law of the sacraments / Judith Hahn. Sacraments (Canon law). Available electronically.
Collective self-defence in international law / James A. Green. Self defense (International law). Available electronically.
New directions in sexual violence scholarship : law, power and change / edited by Kate Gleeson and Yvette Russell. Sex crimes--Law and legislation--English-speaking countries.   Available electronically.
The politics of love in Myanmar : LGBT mobilization and human rights as a way of life / Lynette J. Chua. Sexual minorities--Civil rights--Burma.   Available electronically.
The legal aspects of shaming : an ancient sanction in the modern world / edited by Meital Pinto and Guy Seidman. Shame.   Available electronically.
Critically Ill Children and the Law : Medical Decision-Making and the Best Interests Principle. Sick children-Legal status, laws, etc.    Available electronically.
The power to destroy : how the antitax movement hijacked America / Michael J. Graetz. Taxation--United States.    MON HJ2381 .G723 2024
Untaxed : the rich, the IRS, and a new approach to tax compliance / Joshua D. Blank, Ari Glogower. Taxpayer compliance--United States. Available electronically.
Let the people see : the story of Emmett Till / Elliott J. Gorn. Till, Emmett,--1941-1955.    Available electronically.
Commentary on the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG) / edited by Ingeborg Schwenzer & Ulrich G. Schroeter. United Nation Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sale of Goods (1974 June 14) MON K1028.3198 .K6613 2022  
Trade secret law in a nutshell / Sharon K. Sandeen, Elizabeth A. Rowe. United States.--Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016   MON KF3197 .S26 2025
The interbellum Constitution : union, commerce, and slavery in the age of federalisms / Alison L. LaCroix. United States--History--1815-1861.   Available electronically.
The USMCA and its business aspects in a nutshell / Ralph H. Folsom, W. Davis Folsom. United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (2018 November 30)    N,KAA KDZ944 .F653 2025
Mathematics to the rescue of democracy : what does voting mean and how can it be improved? / Paolo Serafini. Voting--Mathematics.  Available electronically.
From Plato to Putin : a short guide to the question of war / by Andrew Sangster. War--Philosophy MON B105.W3 S36 2023 
The protection of civilians in peacekeeping operations : a legal obligation / by Tamer Morris. War--Protection of civilians.  Available electronically.
In her own name : the politics of women's rights before suffrage / Sara Chatfield. Women's rights--United States--History.    MON KF390.W6 C43 2023 
Order and rivalry : rewriting the rules of international trade after the First World War / Madeleine Lynch Dungy. World Trade Organization--History.  Available electronically.