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Pritzker Legal Research Center

Costa Rica: International Team Project

A research guide to assist the students enrolled in ITP Costa Rica.


Journal articles on international law topics may be published in law or non-law journals and appear in periodicals published in the United States as well as outside of the United States. To find articles, you can use an index to search by subject or run full-text searches. 


Indexes do not contain the full-text articles, but rather provide citations to articles. Indexes are excellent tools for finding articles on certain subjects because an indexer has gone through the articles and identified relevant subject headings for the articles. 

Finding Articles in NUsearch

You can use NUsearch to locate articles in traditional law journals, scholarly journals from other disciplines, and newspapers.

 If you are looking for a specific article, you can use the Advanced Search screen to search within Title or Author fields. Note that Title = title of article. There is a separate field for Journal Title. 

You can also conduct a basic keyword search for articles. NUsearch assumes that you are searching for all the words you type unless OR or NOT are specified between the words and phrases. To use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) within search phrases, you must enter them in uppercase letters. To search for a phrase, type quotation marks around the phrase.

Use the filters to narrow to peer-reviewed journals, to limit by subject heading, or to filter by date.

Finding Law Articles in Other Databases

Lexis and Westlaw both contain law review articles in their secondary source collections, but these will primarily consist of periodicals published within the United States. HeinOnline includes full-text access to over 1000 law journals with coverage going back to the first volume for most journals. A free alternative for law review articles is Google Scholar, a separate scholarly search service from Google.

Finding Non-Law Articles Databases

Northwestern University subscribes to a number of non-legal article databases. Use the NU Library A-Z Database Guide to find a the best database for your research. You can search databases by subject and by database type such as Article Index.